Brett AmoryAmory began the Waiting series in 2001 with paintings depicting commuter subjects seemingly detached from their fellow passengers and surrounding...
Billy NorrbyBilly Norrby’s debut solo show “Of the Vanguard” at CoproGallery is an impressive body of work that balances themes of...
Audrey KawaskiKawasaki’s delicate paintings embody the warm (temporary) glow of youth. She primarily paints on smooth wood so the organic patterns...
Amy LindLind’s grasp of color and light is so refined, it’s easy assume these amazing paintings are photographs. Like the realist...
Adam 5100Capturing light is one of the most difficult challenges any artist faces. It is takes a truly sophisticated eye to...
100taur100taur’s (pronounced centaur) work mixes popular culture into a delicious cocktail of savagery and wry humor. The span of work...